Our History
The Warriors Trust Fund is a nonprofit agency developed to provide support, guidance and financial assistance for participants in the Oakland County Combat Veterans Treatment Court and the 45th District Veterans Treatment Court. Our goal is to help individuals overcome life’s obstacles by enhancing and elevating their lives.
Oakland County Chief Judge Nanci Grant and Probation Agent Marseille Allen begin working with U.S. Veterans on felony probation through a Non-Compliance Sanction Program.
Judge Grant and Agent Allen attend the first Veteran Treatment Court Conference in Washington, D.C.
The State’s only Combat Veterans Treatment Court (C-VTC) is established. A Memorandum of Understanding is agreed upon by Veteran Affairs, The Michigan Department of Corrections, the Sixth Circuit Court of Oakland County and Oakland County Veteran Services.
The Warriors Trust Fund receives 501c3 status and begins to support participants in the C-VTC.
The Oakland County Bar Foundation grants the Warriors Trust Fund its first grant.
Eligible veterans from the 45th District Veterans Treatment Court of Oak Park begin receiving services from the Warriors Trust Fund.